What is Power Factor? | Formula of Power Factor

What is Power Factor ?

Power factor is a measure of how effectively electrical power is being used in a system. It is the ratio of the actual power (measured in watts) that is being used in a circuit to the apparent power (measured in volt-amperes) that is being supplied to the circuit.

In other words, power factor is a measure of how much of the electrical energy supplied to a system is being used to do useful work, such as powering a machine or generating heat, and how much of it is being wasted in the form of reactive power, which does not contribute to the useful work.

A power factor of 1.0 means that all of the electrical energy supplied to the system is being used to do useful work, while a power factor of less than 1.0 means that some of the energy is being wasted. Low power factor can cause a variety of problems, including increased energy costs, reduced equipment efficiency, and increased system losses.

Power Factor Formula | Formula of Power factor

The formula for power factor is:

Power Factor = Real Power (Watts) / Apparent Power (VA)


Real Power (Watts) = the actual power used in a circuit, which is the power that does the useful work, such as generating heat or powering a machine.

Apparent Power (VA) = the total power supplied to the circuit, which is the combination of the real power and the reactive power, which does not do any useful work but is required to maintain the electric and magnetic fields in the circuit.

The power factor is always a value between 0 and 1. A power factor of 1 means that all of the electrical energy supplied to the system is being used to do useful work, while a power factor of less than 1 means that some of the energy is being wasted as reactive power.

The power factor can also be expressed in terms of the cosine of the angle between the voltage and current waveforms in an AC circuit. The formula for power factor in terms of cosine is:

Power Factor (PF) = cos(θ)


θ is the phase angle between the voltage and current waveforms in an AC circuit.

The cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and current waveforms in an AC circuit can be calculated using the following formula:

cos(θ) = Real Power (Watts) / Apparent Power (VA)


Real Power (Watts) is the actual power used in the circuit, which is the power that does the useful work, such as generating heat or powering a machine.

Apparent Power (VA) is the total power supplied to the circuit, which is the combination of the real power and the reactive power, which does not do any useful work but is required to maintain the electric and magnetic fields in the circuit.

To measure the real power and apparent power, you need to use a wattmeter and a voltmeter/ammeter, respectively. Once you have these values, you can simply plug them into the above formula to calculate the power factor (cos(θ)).

Alternatively, you can use an online power factor calculator, which can calculate the power factor for you using the real power and apparent power values you provide.

Power Factor Calculator | Calculator for Power factor

You can use the following formula to calculate power factor:

Power Factor = Real Power (Watts) / Apparent Power (VA)

To use the formula, you need to know the real power and the apparent power of the circuit. Real power can be measured with a wattmeter, while apparent power can be calculated using a voltmeter and an ammeter.

If you don’t have access to the necessary equipment, you can use an online power factor calculator.

To use this calculator, simply enter the values for the real power, apparent power, and voltage, and the calculator will automatically calculate the power factor for you.

Power Factor Correction

Power factor correction is a technique used to improve the power factor of an electrical system. The goal of power factor correction is to reduce the amount of reactive power in the system, which can improve the efficiency and reduce the energy costs of the system.

One common method of power factor correction is to add power factor correction capacitors to the electrical system. These capacitors are designed to provide reactive power to the system, which cancels out the reactive power generated by inductive loads in the system, such as motors and transformers. By reducing the amount of reactive power in the system, the power factor is improved, which can reduce energy costs and improve the efficiency of the system.

Power factor correction can also be achieved through the use of variable frequency drives (VFDs) and other power electronics. These devices can control the phase relationship between the voltage and current waveforms in the system, which can reduce the amount of reactive power in the system and improve the power factor.

Overall, power factor correction can be an effective way to improve the efficiency and reduce the energy costs of an electrical system. However, it is important to design and implement power factor correction systems carefully to avoid overcorrection or other issues that can affect the stability and reliability of the electrical system.

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