What is Burnout Function in Temperature Transmitter ?

Temperature transmitters are crucial devices used in various industries to measure and transmit temperature readings accurately. They play a vital role in process control and ensuring the safety and efficiency of operations. One essential feature of temperature transmitters is the burnout function, which enhances their reliability and enables prompt detection of faulty sensor conditions. In this article ” Burnout Function in Temperature Transmitter “, we will explore the burnout function in temperature transmitters, its significance, working principles, applications, limitations, and more.

What is Burnout Function?

The burnout function is a built-in capability of temperature transmitters designed to identify and alert users about a broken or disconnected temperature sensor( like RTD or thermocouple). It detects when a sensor fails to provide a valid temperature measurement and notifies the system or operator about the abnormal condition. This function prevents the transmission of incorrect temperature data, which could lead to erroneous process control decisions and compromise safety.

Importance of Burnout Function in Temperature Transmitter

The burnout function is crucial in temperature transmitters as it ensures the integrity and accuracy of temperature measurements. By promptly identifying sensor failures, it prevents erroneous readings from being transmitted and acted upon. This capability is particularly vital in critical processes where temperature control is essential, such as in chemical plants, oil refineries, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and food processing.

How Does Burnout Function Work?

The burnout function operates by monitoring the electrical continuity of the temperature sensor. It compares the resistance or voltage output of the sensor against predefined thresholds to determine if the sensor is functioning correctly. When a sensor fails, either due to a broken wire or a disconnected sensor element, the burnout function recognizes the abnormal condition and triggers an alarm or fault indication.

Benefits of Burnout Function

The burnout function offers several benefits in temperature transmitters. Firstly, it enhances process safety by preventing false temperature readings, which could lead to hazardous conditions or equipment damage. Secondly, it reduces maintenance and troubleshooting efforts by enabling quick identification of faulty sensors. Thirdly, it improves process efficiency by minimizing downtime caused by inaccurate temperature measurements.

Applications of Burnout Function in Temperature Transmitters

The burnout function finds application in various industries where temperature control is critical. It is widely used in chemical processing plants, power generation facilities, HVAC systems, food and beverage production, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Any industry that relies on accurate temperature measurements to maintain quality, safety, and regulatory compliance can benefit from the burnout function in temperature transmitters.

Common Misconceptions about Burnout Function

There are a few misconceptions about the burnout function in temperature transmitters that need clarification. One common misconception is that the burnout function can fix a faulty sensor. In reality, it can only detect and alert users about sensor failures; it cannot repair the sensor itself. Another misconception is that the burnout function is always enabled by default. In some cases, it may require configuration or activation based on specific user requirements or system setups.

Factors to Consider when Using Burnout Function

When utilizing the burnout function in temperature transmitters, several factors should be taken into account. These include the type of temperature sensor being used, the operating environment, the desired response time for detecting sensor failures, and the required alarm or fault indication mechanism. Additionally, it is important to consider the compatibility of the temperature transmitter with the control system or data acquisition system to ensure proper integration and utilization of the burnout function.

Limitations of Burnout Function

While the burnout function is a valuable feature, it has certain limitations that users should be aware of. One limitation is its inability to detect partial sensor failures or drifts in sensor performance. It primarily focuses on detecting complete failures or disconnections. Additionally, the burnout function relies on predefined thresholds, and variations in sensor characteristics or ambient conditions can affect its performance. Regular calibration and verification are necessary to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the burnout function.

Troubleshooting Burnout Function

In the event of issues or false alarms related to the burnout function, troubleshooting steps can be taken. These may involve checking the sensor connections, verifying the configuration settings of the temperature transmitter, and ensuring the compatibility between the transmitter and the control or monitoring system. Consultation with the manufacturer’s technical support or referring to the device’s user manual can provide detailed troubleshooting guidelines for specific models.

Comparison with Other Temperature Measurement Technologies

While the burnout function is specific to temperature transmitters, it is worth mentioning other temperature measurement technologies briefly. Common alternatives to temperature transmitters include thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), and infrared (IR) temperature sensors. Each technology has its advantages and limitations, and the selection depends on factors such as measurement accuracy requirements, operating conditions, and cost considerations.

Future Developments in Burnout Function

As technology advances, future developments in the burnout function are expected. These may include more sophisticated algorithms for detecting sensor failures, enhanced self-diagnostic capabilities, and improved integration with control systems and digital communication protocols. Additionally, advancements in sensor technology, such as self-diagnosing sensors, may further enhance the reliability and functionality of the burnout function.


The burnout function is a vital feature in temperature transmitters that ensures the accuracy and reliability of temperature measurements. By promptly detecting sensor failures, it prevents the transmission of incorrect temperature data and enhances process safety and efficiency. Understanding the importance, working principles, applications, limitations, and troubleshooting considerations of the burnout function is essential for users of temperature transmitters in various industries.


Q1. Can the burnout function in temperature transmitters detect partial sensor failures?

No, the burnout function primarily focuses on detecting complete sensor failures or disconnections. It may not be able to detect partial failures or drifts in sensor performance.

Q2. Is the burnout function enabled by default in temperature transmitters?

The burnout function’s default status may vary depending on the temperature transmitter model and manufacturer. It may require configuration or activation based on specific user requirements or system setups.

Q3. How does the burnout function improve process efficiency?

The burnout function improves process efficiency by minimizing downtime caused by inaccurate temperature measurements. Prompt detection of faulty sensors allows for timely maintenance and troubleshooting, reducing the impact on operations.

Q4. Can the burnout function fix a faulty sensor?

No, the burnout function can only detect and alert users about sensor failures. It cannot repair or fix the sensor itself.

Q5. Is calibration necessary for maintaining the accuracy of the burnout function?

Yes, regular calibration and verification are necessary to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the burnout function, as variations in sensor characteristics or ambient conditions can affect its performance.

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