Instrumentation books pdf available here to download.
- Instrumentation and Measurement in Electrical Engineering by Roman Malaric
- Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements by David A Bell
- Power-plant control and instrumentation: the control of boilers and HRSG systems by David Lindsley
- Instrumentation Design Studies by Ernest Doebelin
- Advanced Instrumentation and Computer I/O Design: Real-Time System Computer Interface by Garrett P.H.
- Modern Instrumentation for Scientists and Engineers by James A. Blackburn (auth.)
- Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Volume 3: Process Software and Digital Networks, Fourth Edition by Bela G. Liptak & Halit Eren
- INSTRUMENT ENGINEERS’ HANDBOOK: Process Measurement and Analysis, Fourth Edition by Béla G. Lipták
- Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Volume 1, Fourth Edition: Process Measurement and Analysis by Bela G. Liptak
- Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition: Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal measurement by John G. Webster & Halit Eren
- Sensors, Nanoscience, Biomedical Engineering, and Instruments: Sensors Nanoscience Biomedical by Richard C. Dorf
- Analytical Instrumentation: Practical Guides for Measurement and Control by R. E. Sherman & L. Rhodes
- Intelligent Sensing, Instrumentation and Measurements by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (auth.)
- Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Measurement
- Programming Manual – Scantime | PLC and SCADA Training
Measurement and Instrumentation Principles by Morris, Alan S.