Flow Measurement 1–Application 2-Flow measuring methods 3-Flow measuring instruments 1-Variable head or Differential Pressure type meters Parts of Differential Flow meterOrifice PlateConcentric EcentricSegmentalQuadrant EdgeReynolds NumberWhat is vena contracta?FLOW EQUATION OF ORIFICE-PLATETapping Of OrificeFlange TapsVena contracta tapsRadius tapsCorner-tapsFull flow taps or Pipe tapsVenturi TubesFlow NozzlePitot TubesAnnubar2-Magnetic Flow Meters3-Variable area meters4-Turbine Meters5-Target Meters6-Vortex metersSWIRL METERVORTEX SHEDDING FLOW METER7-CORIOLIS MASS FLOW METER8-Ultrasonic flow meters9-OPEN CHANNEL METERS10-Positive Displacement Meter To learn more about Measurement Click Here Pressure Level Temperature Vibration