Hydrocarbon analyzer Calibration

This Article establishes the minimum guidelines for E&I Technicians and/or contractors to perform the Hydrocarbon analyzer Calibration. This Article also enable E&I technicians to do primary level configuration and troubleshooting.

Scope and responsibility

This Article is applicable for  (gas chromatography) E&I Technicians are responsible to follow the steps as mentioned in this procedure.

E&I Manager and Instrumentation Engineers are responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

Competency Requirements

Instrumentation Technicians must be trained and qualified to perform calibration of Hydrocarbon analyser.


The UFL detector is mainly composed of Flame Ionization detector placed in a temperature regulated chamber. It is designed to detect trace concentration of Hydrocarbon. If coupled with a methaniser, it also detect CO & CO2 .

The combustion of Hydrogen & Synthetic Air created a flame in which the oganic components contained in the gas to be analyzed are burnt off. When burning, these components produce ions which are collected by an electrode. The very week current obtained in this way is amplified in an electrometer with high gain and directed to a recording system. A polarization electrode is connected on the level of the nozzle and the adjustable collecting electrode makes it possible to achieve the best result.


  • ALI/CP – 11(Operation- Maintenance management)
  • GT-PR-ASU-002 (ASU Safety, Hydrocarbon Hazards control)

Procedure requirement

  • Safety Precautions

  1. Ensure that tools necessary for performing the task are being used.
  2. Make sure that sample gas & hydrogen vent are isolated from common vent.
  3. Make sure the cabinet is purged with N2 continuously, this helps in decresing the hydrogen concentrationif there is a leak.
  4. It is better to perform the calibration during Shutdownso thatwe can make it available continuously during normal operation.
  5. Orthodyne analyser is identified as Critical instrument. So Critical instrument management procedure is to be followed for the calibration the analyser as well as in bypass condition & take necessary precautions for maintenance of Critical instrument.
  6. Wrong implementation of procedure/implementation without proper communication may lead to accidents.
  • Calibration Frequency

    3 Months

  • Calibration Procedure

Proper procedure is necessary to ensure the satisfactory operation.

  1. Ensure the Work order (print copy after WO released) is ready to perform the calibration on Analyser.
  2. Ensure the work permit/Maintenance request form to perform the calibration on Analyser.
  3. Ensure calibration gas (100ppmMethane+50ppm Propane, Bal Nitrogen) is connected to the respective sample tapings.
  4. Press F7 (End Cycle) to stop further analysis it will show Main Menu after 3 minutes of current analysis.
  5. Now log in as “Supervisor” by entering password ‘2222’.
  6. Go to stream selection option available in main menu.
  7. Select Stream-4 ‘SVCAL’ by pressing 4 on the keyboard and then exit by pressing F8.
  8. Go to Analysis parameter option available in the main menu.
  9. Select Peak Identification table and enter into table.
  10. Now press F1 to edit the table.
  11. Enter the name & concentration of Calibration gas in the table.
  12. Save the table by pressing F3.
  13. Exit the table by pressing F8.
  14. Now go to analysis option available in main menu and start cyclic analysis.
  15. Observe the analysis value and when it become stable press end cycle & wait for 3 minutes until the main menu appears.
  16. Now go to analysis parameter again & select start calibration procedure.
  17. Once calibration performed, log off as Supervisor and login as user.
  18. Go to stream selection & select process stream and start cycle analysis.
  19. Now calibration is completed. fill the calibration checklist.
  20. Hand back the work permit & Close the work order.

Record Retention

  • Check list for calibration of Analyzer and calibration record must be filled before & after the calibration.
  • Calibration checklist must be signed by concern authority and it should be filed in preventive maintenance record.
  • All calibration records should be kept for at least three years & after that it should be disposed off.

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